Pizza Hut Delivery General Information
- Where is my order ?
- How can I claim the £10 voucher if my order was delivered in over 40 minutes?
- Is the Estimated Delivery Time (ETA) the same as the Delivery time?
- What is Speed Guarantee?
- How can I find a Hut's opening hours?
- Have you got an app?
- No Gluten Free Option?
- Is your meat Halal?
- Stock Issues
- My delivery Hut does not have a vegan option
- Where do you source your eggs?
- Where do you source your cheese?
Marketing Preferences/Offers
- Can I use my Voucher in the Delivery Hut for Take Away?
- Can I customise items/products from a deal on the website ?
- How will you use my personal information?
- How do I unsubscribe?
- Why can't I use my discount voucher with a deal?
- I have a voucher but it won't work online
How to earn Slices
Redeeming Slices
- How do I opt out of Hut Rewards?
- Can I get Slices for past orders?
- Can I use vouchers to purchase pizza and still earn Slices?
- When do Slices expire?
- Can Slices be converted to money?
- How long does it take for Slices to appear in my account?
Joining Hut Rewards
- Can I change my password on my rewards account?
- I think my Loyalty account has been hacked
- I received a password reset email that I never requested.
- How do I sign up for Hut Rewards?
- Who can join Hut Rewards?
- Why should I join Hut Rewards?